Upcoming 25 Biggest Technology Trends That Would Change The World

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What are the 25 biggest technology trends that are defining the next decade as a business futurist. As per Source the IDC Worldwide Semiannual Digital Transformation Spending Guide, world-wide annual spending on services and technologies is about to hit a more than $2.8 trillion as forecasted. The spending on digital transformation is at an estimated annual growth rate of 17.6% for a period of five years (2019-23). Here' the 25 technology trends are driving the fourth Industrial Revolution and that are really redefining our world and are driving us to this new industrial revolution that is going to transform businesses and our world.

#1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

Today's biggest technology trend that is transforming how businesses like Netflix and Amazon operate even our email spam filters. We're using AI every single day and this will transform our businesses gives machines the ability to learn by themselves and make more autonomous decisions.

#2. The Internet of Things or IOT

We now have more interconnected and smart devices. They started with our phones now we have smart watches, we have Smart TVs and soon smart everything. Today we have 20 billion soon we have 200 billion interconnected devices and they surely will transform our world. 

#3. Wearable Technology

It all started with fitness trackers but soon we'll have a plethora of smart devices that will make our lives as humans safer more efficient and healthier and potentially even augment what it means to be human.

#4. Big Data 

We now have a word full of data more than ever before what we now also have is intelligent algorithms that can extract insights automatically so we get augmented inside that will give companies unprecedented insights from their data.

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#5. Intelligent Spaces 

What we're seeing is that our homes and offices and a bit and our buildings are becoming smarter and more intelligent and this will transform the way we live and the way we work. 

#6. Blockchains 

They are super secure ways of storing our information and validating transactions. We're not talking about distributed Ledger's as well. This will transform how banks operate and how we keep our possessions.

#7. Clouds and Edge Computing

Cloud computing means we can now process and store data via the internet on other people in other people's data centers edge computing means we can now process more of this data on our devices like smart phones. 

#8. Extended Reality 

What we are now seeing is that our real world is being extended into the digital world with augmented reality. We place objects onto the real world or even virtual reality where we are completely immersing ourselves in the digital world the future will mix those realities much more intensely.

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#9. Digital Twins 

They are basically virtual copies of products orbeven entire processes and ecosystems that allow us to tweet them and experiment with them without actually having to do this to the real object.

#10. Natural Language Processing 

This is the ability of machines to understand our language. It gives machines the ability to read text to summarize text for us and even write entire books by voice.

#11. Interfaces and Chat BOTS

We are all used to the Alexus and theories and our lives. This will only increase check BOTS will become more intelligent. They will understand our emotions and we will be able to communicate with them much better than we can do today.

#12. Computer Vision and Facial Recognition 

Basically this is the ability of machines to be able to understand who is on a photograph and what is on a photograph and and machines are getting extremely good at this sometimes better than humans. 

#13. Robots and Cohorts 

What we are now seeing is increasingly autonomous robots that are aware of their surroundings. So they become intelligent co-workers of us. They are aware of us, we are aware of them and we can work together with them. 

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#14. Autonomous Vehicles 

Autonomous vehicle, driverless car, robo-car, or robotic car, is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its surrounding environment and moving safely with little or no human input. We are now seeing self-driving cars self-driving delivery robots and we will see a lot more of those in the future.

#15. 5G

5G is basically the fifth generation of mobile communication that will give us speeds and latencies of Internet communications on our phones that is as good as our fiber optic lines and our officers.

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#16.Genomics and Gene-editing

Basically it's the ability to understand our genomic structure how we are made up as humans and what we're made of above and the ability to edit ourselves to cancel out things like cancer and potentially create completely new beings that have never existed before machine core. 

#17. Creativity and Augmented Design

This basically means that we can now use tools like artificial intelligence to enable design software that can be creative come up with new ideas and new concepts. We're now seeing creative. AI is being able to come up with new music new dance routines and this is going to transform the creative processes in our organizations. 

#18. Digital platforms 

Platform businesses like Facebook, Airbnb, Uber and others have been extremely successful and they're transforming how we interact with the world. They're bringing us the gig economy and they will bring us more transformations in the future.

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#19. Drones

These autonomous flying objects will not only transport our parcels to us it will be part of the logistics supply chain but they will also transport passengers. So the future will be to replace or Thomann autonomous cars with self-flying drones. 

#20. Cyber security 

It is most important things to defending computers, servers, networks, data, mobile devices, electronic systems from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security. We're now facing digital threats not just by people but using the latest technology like AI to automate attacks and companies need to use the latest technology to ward those attacks off.

#21. Quantum Computing 

This is completely redefining what computer is and could give us computing power that is millions if not but trillion times more powerful than even supercomputers we have today.

#22. Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation is a form of business process automation technology based on metaphorical software robots or on artificial intelligence or digital workers. It is sometimes referred to as software robotics not to be confused with robot software. We use intelligent tools to help us automate processes but not just programming them but simply having tools watch art and then take over and improve it.

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#23. Mass Personalization 

What we're now seeing is that companies are becoming more intelligent and understanding about us and are able to serve as products and services in the exact moment when we actually need them.

#24. 3D Printing 

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a most exeptional process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file or drawing. It is transforming the way we manufacture in the past decades. We had to take things off. Now we're adding things and we're using innovative materials to build new things layer by layer from trainers to entire houses.

#25. Nanotechnology and Material Science 

This is transforming our understanding of materials on a micro level and will give us completely new products things like bendable screens and extended battery lives. 


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